How Do You Shoot Photos in the Summer Time???

Where I come from, it is dang hot to shoot photos outside in the summer!  You are outside, with the sun blazing on your legs, make that burning your legs, trying to get the right shots to be made with your camera.  If you are like me, it does get a little boring to be confined in your dwelling, letting your camera collect dust, while you yearn to go outside despite the heat of the summer.  What is a person to do?  Here are some tips from a fellow desert dweller and expert photo shooter in the summer time!  (This is not about taking picture of people.)

Early to bed, early to rise:

  1.  Get up early!  I will be honest with you.  I am not the morning person I used to be.  So, I don’t get up early.  But, I will tell you, you can get some incredible pictures of the sunrise, a sunrise over a mountain range, or even a picture of a lake as the sun is rising.  Plus, it will be slightly cooler in the morning, even if it is in the 90’s.  An evening picture would be delightful in your camera.  However, the land will still be recovering from being fried earlier that day.  The following picture is from my son as he went to the lake recently.  Isn’t this an incredible picture of a sunrise?

Sunrise at Bartlett Lake

Water, or H20:

2.  Make sure you pack plenty of water!  It is very easy to get dehydrated in dry climates, so plan on bringing a lot of water.  A cooler with ice will help keep the water cold and fresh when you need it.

Protect thy skin:

3.  Bring sunblock!  There have been times I have got sunburned as my back is facing the sun and I am taking several pictures of the subject I want to bring out in my photos.  An old house, where a family had lived in the early 1900’s, as they mined for gold, is in the following picture.  It was very, very hot out when this photo was shot in the summer.

Still Standing

Camera Bag:

4.  Pack your camera bag well!  Make sure you have your camera, cloth to clean off your lens glass or camera if dust gets on it and a tripod.  A personal bag is in the following picture, which includes a tripod and manual for the camera.

Camera Bag


5.  A smile on your face!  You know where you are going (or at least, close to it), you are excited about getting there, and most importantly, what fantastic photos you can take in the summer!

Now that you know how to prepare, where should you go?  A map is a great resource to help you pinpoint exactly where you want to go.  Another fun thing to do is go for a drive!  This is what my husband and I do.  A lot of my pictures are taken when we are driving around out of town.  For example, we might pick a place to go.  Along the way, I see other subjects that pop out to me, asking me to take their pictures.

Some of you might be asking, why is she crazy about photos?  It is for this reason:  Behind every great picture is a great story.  That is my purpose in taking pictures, is to bring out the stories.  To sum up how to do a photo shoot in the summer, pick a place.  Pack your stuff you need to bring.  Bring snacks!  Have faith and patience as your subjects are awaiting for your arrival, and another important factor is to enjoy the adventure.

In future blogs, I will go into more detail of photo shoots, how-to’s and possibly videos and/or podcasts.  Thank you for stopping by and hope you enjoy this little snippet in my photo life!


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